
우선 배틀넷 서버를 만들기 위해서는 프로그램을 다운받아야 한다. 다음의 사이트에서 최신버전을 다운로드받도록 하자!! http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~rocombs/sc 이다.

설치 및 설정하기

우선 압축을 풀어주자!!

#tar xzvf bnetd-0.4.24.tar.gz
#cd bnetd-0.4.24/src

다음에는 설치를 해준다.

#make install

설치를 성공적으로 마쳤다면, 배틀넷 서버를 가동시켜보자!


다음은 제대로 서버가 작동중인지 테스트 해보자!

#/usr/local/bin/bnchat -b -n
Connected to
###### Terms Of Service ######
 Blizzard Entertainment is a trademark of Davidson & Associates, Inc.
 Battle.net is a trademark of Davidson & Associates, Inc.
 Starcraft is a trademark of Davidson & Associates, Inc.
 Diablo is a trademark of Davidson & Associates, Inc.
 Neither this server nor the bnetd project are in any way affiliated
 with Blizzard Entertainment
 This server is distributed under the terms of the GPL
 Use the /copyright command in the chat screen for more information
 Not likely :)
Enter information for your new account
Username: xxx
Retype password:
Account created.
Logged in.
Joining channel: "Brood War USA-1"
"fat" is here
<Info> Hello fat, welcome to bnetd!
<Info> Running version 0.4.24 on fat81.hoseo.ac.kr.
<Info> For more information please visit:
<Info>  http://www.bnetd.org/
<Info> There are 3 user accounts on this server.
<Info> There are currently 1 users online in 0 games and 8 channels.
<Info> Having trouble with a command?  Type   /help   to
<Info> learn more about it.
<Info> Chat commands:
<Info>  /whois
<Info>  /whereis
<Info>  /msg /whisper /m /w
<Info>  /ignore /squelch
<Info>  /away
<Info>  /dnd
<Info>  /who
<Info>  /stats /astat
<Info>  /status /users
<Info>  /time
<Info>  /channel /join
<Info>  /rejoin
<Info>  /me
<Info>  /designate
<Info>  /resign
<Info>  /kick
<Info>  /ban
<Info>  /unban
<Info>  /whoami
<Info>  /uptime
<Info>  /beep
<Info>  /nobeep
<Info>  /version
<Info>  /lusers
<Info>  /games
<Info>  /channels /chs
<Info>  /connections /con
<Info>  /finger
<Info>  /operator
<Info>  /announce /ann
<Info>  /copyright /warranty /license
<Info>  /news
<Info>  /logout /quit
<Info>  /kill
<Info>  /killsession
<Info>  /watch
<Info>  /unwatch
<Info>  /watchall
<Info>  /unwatchall
<Info>  /gameinfo
<Info>  /ladderactivate
<Info>  /ladderinfo
<Info>  /timer
<Info>  /netinfo
<Info>  /addacct
<Info>  /chpass
<Info>  /quota
<Info>  /shutdown
<Info>  /lockacct
<Info>  /unlockacct
<Info>  /fortune
<Info>  /help

위와 같이 출력되었다면 제대로 서버가 돌아가고 있다는 것이다.!! 빠져나오기 위해서는

#killall -TERM bnetd

입력하면 된다.(물론 다른 창을 띄워서 입력한다!!)
그리고 윈도우가 설치되어 있는 클라이언트에서 아이크래프트(icreft)를 사용해서 서버에 접속해보자!!
배틀넷에 성공적으로 접속했다면 성공이다!!

  • computer/networking/스타_배틀넷_서버_만들기.txt
  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by likewind